4 miles of 12” Steel Through Challenging Terrain
Global Foundries, Malta, NYThe Challenge
12” diameter coated steel pipeline construction required directional bores and workarounds to cross varied and challenging terrain with numerous environmental permit restrictions.The Solution
Feeney Brothers constructed 4 miles of 12” diameter coated steel pipeline including a “tap” into an existing natural gas transmission line and construction of a regulator station at the outlet. Prior to construction, approximately 10 acres of wooded area needed to be cleared. Construction of the pipeline required 12 directional bores to cross all paved surfaces, including NY I-87, as well as multiple streams and wetlands that were not practical to open cut. The terrain encountered presented many challenges, varying from wet running sand to shale to consolidated rock. The constructed pipeline serviced a large expansion project at the Global Foundries computer chip manufacturing plant in Malta, NY.
miles of new 12” diameter coated steel pipeline
miles of new 12” diameter coated steel pipeline
directional bores used to cross varying terrain
directional bores used to cross varying terrain