Feeney Brothers has worked for steam utilities for more than a decade, installing new steam lines and performing maintenance and repairs to existing systems. We have in-house personnel experienced with all aspects of steam line installation as well as in-house certified welders.
Energy Services Include:
- Trenching and installation of insulated steel steam lines
- Installation of new manholes
- Rebuilding and re-roofing of existing vaults
- Expansion joint replacement
Our Equipment
- Crew trucks
- Rack trucks
- Fleet maintenance trucks
- Fitter trucks
- Screeners / crushers
- Backhoes
- Excavators
- Compressors
- Skidsteers
- Trailers of all sizes
- Crane trucks
- Vacuum trucks
- Trenchers / ditch witch
- Vermeer
- Combing machines
- Road saws
- Hole hogs / mole shooters
- Dump trucks
- Water truck
- Paver / paving machines
- Rollers
- Large plate compactors
- Welding machines
- Vaculifts